Conferences and events in Bucharest

Conferintele si evenimentele organizate in cadrul companiilor voastre sunt cu siguranta cheia succesului acesteia si cele care incununeaza intr-un mod armonios orele de lucru petrecute la birou. In principiu, ele au devenit astazi cele care contribuie la solidificarea si integritatea companiei voastre, conducand intr-un final la notorietatea ei. De aceea, este foarte important sa nu lasati la voia intamplarii alegerea locatiei unde va avea loc evenimentul sau conferinta. Cu siguranta, o alegere buna va fi cea care va pune companiei o eticheta pe masura, care o va pune in valoare.
In acest sens, SnagovClub, o locatie aflata in Rezervatia Naturala Snagov, vine in ajutorul vostru si va propune un evantai de servicii de care puteti beneficia, astfel incat oricare ar fi tema evenimentului sau conferintei pe care vreti sa il organizati aici, aceasta sa se concretizeze in ceva unic, original si plin de fast.
Ei dispun de sase spatii elegante, patru interioare si doua exterioare, care vor seduce fara doar si poate orice angajat sau partener. Chiar si colaboratorii vostri straini vor fi umiti si vor spune ca au participat la cele mai ingenioase si originale conferences and events in Bucharest cum ar spune nativii americani si poate desigur chiar sefii vostri, expati ajunsi in Bucuresti.
Pavilionul de pe LacGratie modului in care sunt proiectate si amenajate restaurantele interioare, evenimentele organizate in interiorul lor vor avea un aer boem si rafinat. Au un design aparte, inspirat de specificul a trei tari europene.
Mai exact spus, la Snagov Club veti gasi 3 restaurante interioare cu nume generice: Salonul Venetian, Salonul Britanic si Francez. Cu o capacitate de 100 de locuri (Salonul Venetian), respectiv 78 (Salonul Britanic si Francez), aceste restaurante sunt destinate unor evenimente mai restranse, mai intime.
Echipa competenta si calificata va aranja si decora restaurantele intr-un mod exceptional, astfel incat evenimentul sa se transforme intr-un real succes, sa fie ceea ce va doreati a fi. In egala masura, dotarea cu echipamente tehnice high class (video-proiectoare, sonorizare si conectarea la Internet) va contribui la randamentul angajatilor firmei voastre. De fapt, exemplificand si explicand vizual si auditiv ceea ce vreti sa faceti pe viitor sau chiar aratand succesul pe care l-ati avut in trecut, angajatii vostri vor fi mult mai receptivi si eficienti la biroul sediului companiei voastre.
In plus, panorama oferita de sclipirile de argint ale Lacului Snagov si cea a frumusetii gradinii interioare („Gradina Versailles”) care se zaresc dinauntrul acestor saloane vor motiva si vor inspira cu idei creative si originale participantii la eveniment.
Practic, sunt sali luminoase si primitoare care vor sa cucereasca prin farmecul lor orice partener de afaceri, orice angajat sarguincios al firmei voastre. Comunicarea lor cu exteriorul va face ca pauza sa capate un parfum de rasina de pin sau unul dulce de flori in culorile curcubeului.
Insa, daca va doriti ca evenimentul sau conferinta voastra in apropiere de Bucuresti sa aiba loc in aer liber, SnagovClub va pune la dispozitie un spatiu uimitor de frumos care va depasi asteptarile tuturor. „Gradina Versailles”, caci despre ea este vorba, este acel spatiu deschis unde aerul revigorant al naturii va fi cel care le va imbunatati moralul angajatilor, ii va motiva si ii va face sa celebreze reusita companiei voastre intr-o ambianta rustica si eleganta, data de mirajul incantator al naturii din imprejurimi.
Grădina VersaillesNumarul de locuri este mult mai mare ca in cazul celor aflate in restaurantele interioare. 126 in total, ele sunt dispuse fie pe terasa gradinii, fie la etajul acesteia. Practic, cei invitati sa paticipe la eveniment vor beneficia din plin de locuri confortabile care au o vizibilitate marita catre „centrul de interes” al acestuia.
De fapt, in „Gradina Versailles” veti gasi aceea ambianta exceptionala care face din orice eveniment un lucru inedit, diferit.
Mergand pe aceeasi linie, a evenimentelor si conferintelor somptuoase in apropierea Capitalei, Pavilonul de pe Lac este cea de al saselea spatiu unde puteti petrece ore intregi conversand intr-un mod inspirat si interesant despre proiectele voastre de viitor.
Este un restaurant interior construit din otel si sticla, cu un design futurist si cu o deschidere catre terasa de pe ponton. Numarul total maxim al locurilor pe care le poate „gazdui” acest spatiu este de 250, la care se adauga, pe timp de vara, cele 100 ale terasei. Practic, aici puteti organiza o conferinta de presa, evenimente coroprate de mare amploare si fast unde numarul participantilor sa fie de ordinea sutelor.
Ca si in cazul celorlate cinci locatii, Pavilionul de pe Lac beneficiaza de aceeasi aparatura tehnica.
In principiu, SnagovClub vrea sa ofere clientilor lor, oricare ar fi restaurantul ales pentru organizarea evenimentului, solutii eficiente si satisfacerea oricarei nevoi. Totodata, ei propun, datorita experientei si profesionalismului de care dau dovada in permanenta, strategii elaborate si nu lasa sa scape niciun detaliu, oricat de insignifiant ar fi.
SnagovClub nu impune nicio restrictie, nicio limita, ba din contra. Echipa calificata si profesionista pe care o gasiti aici va va propune numai idei inventive, astfel incat toti sa plece de aici cu un sentiment aparte si cu o incantare dusa la extreme, gratie frumusetii si elegantei locului.
Altfel spus, dupa finalizarea evenimentului sau conferintei voastre in apropiere de Bucuresti, puteti recomanda angajatilor, colaboratorilor si partenerilor vostri sa mai zaboveasca cateva ceasuri sau, de ce nu, chiar o zi sau doua in acest spatiu al sarmului si bunului gust.
Piscina interioara deasupra careia se afla un plafon cu stelute albastre, sauna, baia turceasca si sala de fitness le vor oferi acestora momente de desfatare deplina care vor conduce la randamente optime la locul de munca.
De asemenea, daca evenimentul sau conferinta are loc in timpul zilelor din anotimpul calduros, atunci puteti celebra succesul dobandit chiar la piscina exterioara, organizand un pool party.
In consecinta, oricare ar fi tipul de eveniment sau conferinta pe care vreti sa il organizati pentru compania voastra, SnagovClub raspunde promt nevoilor oricarui client si dezvolta un proiect adaptat acestora. Astfel, daca va incredeti in aceste decrieri ale restaurantelor exterioare si interioare, accesati site-ul si faceti o rezervare online.
Insa, daca vreti sa descoperiti „fizic” frumusetile acestor spatii, luati drumul DN 1-ului si la o aruncatura de bat de Bucuresti veti intalni

International Luv Lyrics – This Is Us – BACKSTREET BOYS


I just wanna take you everywhere that I go
Girl I want you in a plane in a seat right next to mine
Get witchu right after my shows
Baby I could give you ways
Come on girl, lets fly

Now I don’t usually meet under these circumstances, but..
You’re like the perfect girl with the perfect skin, so…
I’m just too scared to know that I’m gonna leave without you girl (??)

You can call me a man

[Bridge 1:]
Because I know
That this aint the kind of love that could just take
One night and then its over
Girl I know
I aint never fell in love so quickly
Baby please come with me
All you need is my love in a bag


Girl I can think of only one and no one else and dance to you
Were like the perfect team
No matter where I go you gotta roll
I bet they know about you and I’m not leaving without you girl (??)

And I don’t need to read your mind

[Bridge 2:]
Because I know
That you want to see the world
And I could say that all I need is
One night and then well be closer
And I know
I aint never fell in love so quickly
Baby please come with me
All you need is my love in a bag

Helpless Lyrics – This Is Us – BACKSTREET BOYS

I wake up every morning and see your face
lying right beside me it fills the space
in my heart
I can’t live without you
don’t wanna figure right how to
and every time I lay my head down to sleep
the emptiness inside of me starts to beat
so loud
I can’t hear the sound
do you hear it?
for you

I fall in love all over again
each time
I lay my eyes on you
I pretend
I feel so helpless
without you
feel so helpless
without you
It takes a piece of me
each time you leave
I feel it in my chest
so hard to breathe
I feel so helpless
without you
I feel so helpless
without you

I witness every trick you got up your sleeve
but still somehow you keep on surprising me
I’m yours
I can’t live without you
Don’t wanna figure right how to
Every time I see you I feel like I
could be the luckiest man in the world
Why try to fight it
There’s no need to hide it
you know

I fall in love all over again
each time
I lay my eyes on you
I pretend
I feel so helpless
without you
feel so helpless
without you
It takes a piece of me
each time you leave
I feel it in my chest
so hard to breathe
I feel so helpless
without you
I feel so helpless
without you

Feels like
I fall apart
every time
Where do I start
I’m so helpless
without you
without you

Every time I close my eyes
you’re the first thing that runs to my mind
Everywhere I go
I see you
hear you
feel you
I just wanna be near you
and heal? you
Last thing you said is how dare you
First thing I said is I’m sorry
Now I’m sitting here
Same old story

Now she’s brokenhearted
Time heals all the wounds
She said
Not this time
It’s true
Everyone plays a fool
And that fool is me
Because I foolishly
took advantage of a woman who loved me

I fall in love all over again
each time
I lay my eyes on you
I pretend
I feel so helpless
without you
feel so helpless
without you
It takes a piece of me
each time you leave
I feel it in my chest
so hard to breathe
I feel so helpless
without you
I feel so helpless
without you

ohh yeah

Undone Lyrics – This Is Us – BACKSTREET BOYS

Your words burn, they’re melting
What we have, I’m breaking down
No reason, no warning, no love loss
You might as well

Take our pictures off the walls tonight
I don’t wanna see you no more
I don’t wanna feel you no more
Take our memories, throw them all aside
I hope you finally get what you want
Now you know

I didn’t wanna live without ya
I didn’t wanna love without ya
I used to think I’d die without ya
Now it’s killing me
That we can be undone

I can’t feel without ya
You know I can’t deal without ya
And now I got a life without ya
Now it’s killing me
That we can be undone

This constant echoing
In my head,
I’m spinning round
You seem so unaffected
While I go on in this hell

Take our pictures off the walls tonight
I don’t wanna see you no more
I don’t wanna feel you no more
Take our memories, throw them all aside
I hope you finally get what you want
Now you know

I didn’t wanna live without ya
I didn’t wanna love without ya
I used to think I’d die without ya
Now it’s killing me
That we can be undone

I can’t feel without ya
You know I can’t deal without ya
And now I got a life without ya
And it’s killing me
That we can be undone

We can be undone

You’re talking now
and I’m hearin’ everything that you say
And I’m holding on is a real phrase
And it’s dragging me along to my grave
it’s dragging me to my grave

You’re talking now
and I’m hearin’ everything that you say
And I’m holding on is a real phrase
And it’s dragging me along to my grave
I didn’t wanna live without ya
I didn’t wanna love without ya
I used to think I’d die without ya
Now it’s killing me
That we can be undone
I can’t feel without you, You know I can’t deal without you
And now I got a life without you, and it’s killing me
That we could be undone

I didn’t wanna live without ya
I didn’t wanna love with ya
I used to think I’d die without ya
Now it’s killing me
That we can be undone
I can’t feel without you, You know I can’t deal without you
And now I got a life without you, and it’s killing me
That we could be undone